Friday, July 29, 2011

Friday Chest and Triceps and the Mcdonald's program


(20 Spiderman Pushups in between each exercise)500 total go Spidey go!

5 sets of 10 Decline Bench
5 sets of 10 Cable CrossOvers
5 sets of 10 Incline Dumbbell Bench
5 sets of 10 Front Raise Pullover
5 sets of 10 Around the Worlds


(15 dips in between each exercise)375 total

5 sets of 10 Tricep Cable Extensions
5 sets of 10 Tricep Pushdown
5 sets of 10 Narrow Grip Bench
5 sets of 10 Tricep Kickbacks
5 sets of 10 Tate Press

Pullups 1-2-3-4-5-4-3-2-1 Spiderman climbs stuff too

Core 20 mins with as little rest as possible!
One min of Mountain Climbers
One min of Flutter Kicks
One min Plank
One min Russian Twist

    All these workouts have really cut down on my cardio they were to try and gain some mass and thanks to the program I created and a lot of Mcdonalds I was able to put on 10 pounds.  Now I know what everyone is thinking how can you eat Mcdonalds all the time and the easiest way to explain it is....your body needs to have fat to convert it to muscle so you cant gain unless you eat allot.  Also you can eat during certain times of the day to make your food work for you.  After I workout I go right to the arches and get a number 1, with is almost 1000 calories and 25 grams of protein.  Now that might not work for everyone you gotta figure out what kinda body type you are and how fast your metabolism is, basically at this point I feel i could digest a tank.
     You can eat what you want you just gotta find out how much your willing to sweat for it when you trying to bulk remember you gotta eat and so long as your working out you can eat whatever you want.  So Jared I'm happy for you and your flabby skin, but I would like to thank the crew at Mcdonalds for all your wonderful Big Macs, and for the greatest idea for breakfast the McGridle.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Thursdays Workout Shoulders and Legs


(Do 10 Front Plate Raises in between each exercise)

5 sets of 10 Seated Cable Raises
5 sets of 10 Military Press
5 sets of 10 Front Cable Raises
5 sets of 10 Iron Cross


(Do 20 Air Squats in between each exercise)

5 sets of 10 Leg Extensions
5 sets of 10 Leg Press
5 sets of 10 Over Head Squats
5 sets of 10 Calf Raises
Eliptical at highest level you can while maintain a constant speed for 10 mins challenge yourself
Row 2000 meters


15 mins cycle through these exercises with as little rest as possible
Right Side Plank 30 seconds
Straight Plank 30 seconds
Left Side Plank 30 seconds
1 minute of Flutter Kicks
30 seconds hold feet six inches off the floor

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Wednesday Back and Biceps


  • (Do 5 close grip chin ups in between each exercise) this will give you 80 for this portion 
  • 4 sets of 10 Alternating Incline Dumbbell Curls
  • 4 sets of 10 Overhead Cable Curls
  • 4 sets of 10 Wide Grip Barbell Curls
  • 4 sets of 10 Preacher Curls

  • (Do 5 wide grip pull ups and 10 dead lifts of a moderate weight def not your max after each exercise)
  • 4 sets of 12 V Bar Lat Pull Downs
  • 4 sets of 12 Bent Over Barbell Row
  • 4 sets of 12 One Arm Dumbell Row
  • 4 sets of 12 Seated Cable Rows

Core 15 minutes with as little rest as possible
  • Cable Crunches for a minute
  • Plank for a minute
  • Flutter Kicks for a minute
  • Supermans for 30 seconds
This workout is intended to try and gain mass so make sure your eating alot and getting the necessary protein after your workouts about 25 grams.

Post your thoughts or email me if you have any questions on other types of workouts at

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Tuesday workout Chest and Triceps

(Do 25 pushups in between each of these exercises for a total of 500) yes you can do it!
5 sets of 10 cable crossover
5 sets of 10 incline dumbbell flys
5 sets of 10 straight bench
5 sets of 10 to 12 around the worlds
(Do 15 dips in between each of these exercises for a total of 300, you just did 500 pushups this is not a problem)
5 sets of 10 tricep dumbbell kickbacks
5 sets of 15 tricep vbar pulldowns
5 sets of 12 incline barbell extentions
5 sets of 20 diamond pushups

30 mins of core (if you dont have 30 mins do 15)
Cycle through these as many sets as your can, you can work your core everyday push through it.
20 V ups
minute of flutter kicks, then hold feet at six inches for 30 seconds
25 sit ups (cave man exercises so it should be easy for you)
a minute of straight plank
30 seconds on each side plank

Remember to try and do this with as little rest as possible that way your core will always be engaged and working you have to attack your core from all angles so push through it.

Burn the rest off 
All that is left is to run a mile
do 4 quarter mile sprints with 2 mins of rest in between

Make sure to stretch after!

Monday, July 25, 2011

Monday's Workout

30 mins of kick board followed by half a mile pool run

5 sets of handstand pushups 15 per set
5 sets of military press 8 to 10 reps
5 sets of Arnold press using core board 8 to 10 reps
5 sets of push press 10 to 12 reps
5 sets of crucifix 30 to 60 seconds

30 mins of rowing

30 mins of core cycling through
a min of flutter kicks
a min of knees to elbows
a min of strait plank
a min of alt heel touchers
a min of russian twist
cycle through trying to minimize your rest