Friday, July 29, 2011

Friday Chest and Triceps and the Mcdonald's program


(20 Spiderman Pushups in between each exercise)500 total go Spidey go!

5 sets of 10 Decline Bench
5 sets of 10 Cable CrossOvers
5 sets of 10 Incline Dumbbell Bench
5 sets of 10 Front Raise Pullover
5 sets of 10 Around the Worlds


(15 dips in between each exercise)375 total

5 sets of 10 Tricep Cable Extensions
5 sets of 10 Tricep Pushdown
5 sets of 10 Narrow Grip Bench
5 sets of 10 Tricep Kickbacks
5 sets of 10 Tate Press

Pullups 1-2-3-4-5-4-3-2-1 Spiderman climbs stuff too

Core 20 mins with as little rest as possible!
One min of Mountain Climbers
One min of Flutter Kicks
One min Plank
One min Russian Twist

    All these workouts have really cut down on my cardio they were to try and gain some mass and thanks to the program I created and a lot of Mcdonalds I was able to put on 10 pounds.  Now I know what everyone is thinking how can you eat Mcdonalds all the time and the easiest way to explain it is....your body needs to have fat to convert it to muscle so you cant gain unless you eat allot.  Also you can eat during certain times of the day to make your food work for you.  After I workout I go right to the arches and get a number 1, with is almost 1000 calories and 25 grams of protein.  Now that might not work for everyone you gotta figure out what kinda body type you are and how fast your metabolism is, basically at this point I feel i could digest a tank.
     You can eat what you want you just gotta find out how much your willing to sweat for it when you trying to bulk remember you gotta eat and so long as your working out you can eat whatever you want.  So Jared I'm happy for you and your flabby skin, but I would like to thank the crew at Mcdonalds for all your wonderful Big Macs, and for the greatest idea for breakfast the McGridle.

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