Thursday, August 4, 2011

Machine vs Free Weights

Ongoing is the debate of machine weights vs free weights. However, the machine weights vs free weights debate does not have an outright winner. Nor will the machine weights vs free weights debate ever have an outright winner.  Each have an advantage over the other but that means each also has a disadvantage beneath the other. The following is a overview of machines and frees


  • safer
  • controlled and strict movement
  • difficult to cheat
  • easy to get into start position before an exercise compared to freeweights 
  • a workout can be done in less time
  • load is easily adjusted
  • there is no manual loading and unloading of weight plates
  • don't need a spotter / training partner
  • tidier because there are know plates lying around on the floor. 


  • guided movement path may be different to your natural biomechanical movement
  • difficult to be creative and invent different exercises with same equipment
  • less potential exercises than frees
  • usually more expensive
  • joint stabilizing muscles are not developed because movement is usually only possible in one plane.
  • difficult to target specific muscles

  • a few pieces of equipment can be used for a large number of different exercises
  • easy to be inventive and create new exercises
  • movement path is according to your own natural  movement
  • joint stabilizing muscles are also trained because movement needs to be controlled in 3 different planes
  • easier to train those "difficult to isolate" muscles
  • more resembles the natural movements of every day life


  • need a spotter if you plan to train heavy
  • easy to cheat which can be dangerous
  • loading and unloading weights is time consuming and can be dangerous
  • a workout takes longer
  • untidier if weights are left lying around
  • can be difficult to get into start position if using heavy dumbbells or doing heavy squats.
So what is the answer?  The answer is both don't just use the machines all the time because it maybe quick and easy, but use machines when your lifting weight that you would normally need a spotter for.  Combining the two will make your body hit areas that using just one form would miss.

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